The project “Support to the employment of young people, long-term unemployed and women II” is financed by the European Union within the Operational Programme for Human Resources Development 2007-2013 (IPA Component IV). The value of the project is € 2.061.250,14. 


The Overall objective of the project is to integrate young people, long-term unemployed and women in the labour market. This project is Second Direct Grant Award implemented by the Employment Service Agency. Project activities shall contribute to improvement of the employability of unemployed young people, long-term unemployed and women by increasing their competences (knowledge, skills and attitude).


The project activities are implemented through three components:


Sub-Component 1.1 - Internship as Support to Employment of Young people up to the age of 29: aimed at improving the employment perspectives of young people, reflecting the current labour market needs. Involving unemployed persons up to the age of 29 in the 3 months internship programme for the purpose of acquiring first working experience, as well as reducing youth unemployment rate.


Subcomponent 1.2 “Trainings for Skills demanded by a Specific Employer”: aimed at training unemployed persons for specific professional skills for a period of 3 months, corresponding to the employers’ needs in order to improve their employment perspectives and to become employed.


Component 2 - Trainings for General Skills: Aimed at helping the unemployed persons improve their competitiveness on the labour market. 1000 unemployed persons will be involved in trainings for foreign language skills (basic and advance level) and 1000 unemployed persons will be involved in trainings for basic ICT skills


Component 3 - Trainings for Skills demanded on the Labour Market: Aimed at training long-term unemployed persons for professional skills demanded in the labour market. 500 persons will be involved in Trainings for skills demanded on the labour market and 220 persons will be involved in Trainings for advanced IT skills;